Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 6 - Friday and Post Trip

Well Friday was my last day in Toronto helping out my fellow team. Limo picked me up at 2:30 pm so I didn't have much stuff to do but to finish up what I was doing to pass them on to my co-worker.

On the place I was chatting with this nice British senior couple who is living in New West. From what he told me, sound like they're traveling every where all the time. Man, I wish I can do that when I retired. In matter of fact, I want to do it now without working :-). He also told me that he noticed that most of Canadians don't travel as much compared to British. We all love traveling but on average, may be Canadians don't travel as much.... I don't know....

The following week, I received my first Blackberry from the company. I received Pearl and my co-worker received 8800 with GPS. It is pretty sweet to have a device that I can browse internet and receive emails without hunting down for free WiFi. And thanks god that monthly plan is paid by the company. Some one told me that data plan cost as much as $150/month. That's a pricey meat ball....

The downside is that my expense account is not set up yet so all the company trip expense, excluding the airfare, is still on me. Common Broadridge, get on it so I can get my money back!